The beat Remodeling Plan

10 most important tips for the best remodeling plan

When planning a house remodel or big renovation project in our home, any remodeling project plan can seem amazing, but most of the time it is not going so smoothly without any surprises. Here are a couple of tips to give you some inside knowledge that will help you make the project go on the best way it can.


These are our professional’s tips for your next project :

1. Check for Inspection and Permits Needed

You have done everything right but in the end you forgot about the permits? sometimes it can ruin all your plans. Don’t expect to start your project before securing the permits and their costs.

Often I find that homeowners are unaware of this part or miss it and are eventually forced to pay beyond the budget they set in advance. You should know that many types of renovations do require permits or inspection based on the laws of the country in which you reside. If you ignore this part, first of all, professional contractors will not agree to work without the permit, and second, you will be subject to fines from the municipality.

To help you deal the extra mess and headaches, check whether your contractor is ready to take responsibility for issuing the appropriate permits.

2. Set Up Your Budget

Usually, customers are divided into two groups, those who don’t know what it costs to renovate or the ones who are looking for a quote to see if they can afford to renovate.

I’m here to let you know that the best way to planning a renovation is to start with your budget. Your budget is the most important piece of information that a contractor needs to help you achieve your remodeling goals, by giving the contractor a clear direction as to where to start, you will actually save money by saving time.

In addition, a budget combined with a list of “must-haves” and “would-be-nice-to-haves” can help narrow down which products you choose and help avoid the cost increase that can happen with various upgrades.

3. Choose Wisely Your Demands and Goals

Sometimes homeowners want the renovation to be as beautiful and spectacular as possible, but we must not forget that in the end we use this home for our living and want the comfort and functionality of it to be maximized. Be careful not to choose esthetics over functionality too much.

4. Find a Reliable Contractor

In order to make your project work you want to find a home contractor who is dependable and reputable, and who has many years of experience completing the type of property upgrade or renovation you have in mind.

Good communication, reviews and projects portfolio will help you know better the contractor and find the right one for you.

Try look for a several different contractors and narrow down your pick.

5. Ask Questions

Finding the right contractor for your renovation project will determine the quality, timeline, and emotional stress you’ll have to deal with.

In order to make sure you are making the best decision, here are several questions to ask your contractors’ list to help you narrow it to the specific one for you.

1. What is the structure of your company?

Try to get enough information about the company and the procedures, and about the way the business is organized.

2. Do you have prior experience with this type of project?

Sometimes the contractor has 30 years of experience but never runs into a project like yours, do not hesitate to ask if he has already done similar work and even ask for as many details as possible.

3. Do you have insurance?

This way you can know whether the contractor is professional and takes the business seriously. In addition, it will help you if something in your home gets damaged and it will be the contractor’s responsibility.

4. Who will be my contact person during the project?

Communication is the key to a successful renovation. For this reason, ask the contractor who will be your specific contact during the project for any case or question that pops up. Thus, throughout the project, you can always maintain the best communication in order to put your wishes into practice.

5. Would You Please Itemize or Break Down Your Bid?

If you have received one offer that includes all of your renovation plans, feel free to ask the contractor to go down to exact details and divide the work by subdivisions. This way you can know how much any change in the project will affect the price.

6. Ask for a Formal Bid or Estimate

Many times professionals have creative ways to make your dream come true. If you find a professional you trust, let him know the budget you have set and let him offer you a wide range of options that can meet your budget, sometimes you will succeed in lowering a few thousand and get a similar result with other materials.

7. Sign a Detailed Contract

Last but not least is the contract, nothing is done before transferring all the demands and things discussed into a written document.

In the contract, there should be a clear and objective interpretation of the requirements, specifications, and deadlines that need to be followed.

A good contract can protect both sides and will be a safety net for your project. Always spend extra time putting the contract together and analyze all the details before you sign it.

8. Plan a Schedule

One of the most crucial aspects of a successful renovation project is scheduling. Developing a practical schedule is to first evaluate all parts of the renovation plan and examine which factors can cause problems and delays. These factors can be, among other things, the length of time it takes to supply the materials, the homeowner’s requirement to approve each part of the work before continuing, an indecisive homeowner seeking many changes, etc.

When developing the schedule, it’s very important that each phase will include additional time for those hidden and unexpected challenges.

This schedule will help to keep the project on schedule and on a budget without compromising quality.

9. Expect The Unexpected

When you’re renovating your house, unexpected costs are almost always popping up, so we can say there are not so unexpected. The majority of projects involve some sort of unforeseen problem or added expense.

Why is that happening?

ֿThere are situations completely out of control. For example, if mold is found in the walls during the renovation or electrical and plumbing problems are not always so easy to found before starting the renovation.

Since the discovery and renovation of these problems were not part of the plan it will take more time, and time is money. Instead of sacrificing aspects of your renovation you need or want, having extra money into your budget will help you make the best of your investment.

Instead of sacrificing aspects of your renovation, you dreamed of, having extra money incorporated into your budget will help to make it the best.

10.  Pack Up and Prepare for Your Renovation Project

You’ve done your research. You’ve created a renovation budget, plan, schedule, and all that you need off, it seems like you’re ready to jump into your project.

Before so, don’t forget to arrange your home for renovation and pack everything needed.

We hope this post helps you out and wish you all the best with your next project! 

Sk Re & Renovation LLC, Houston TX. 

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